Climbing Stairs: Intermittent Moving Weight Loss Strategy

Weight loss strategies come in all varieties. There are many ways to lose weight by adding intermittent moving, small amounts of moving throughout the day. But some find a good thing and stay with it.
Take, for example, the stair-climbing, intermittent moving weight loss strategy created by Holly, a 24 year-old London marketing assistant who lost 13 pounds.
For Holly dieting attempts had not worked but a desire to shape up for her pending wedding drew her interest to a group in her workplace. Members of the group took stairs instead of the elevator when possible. In addition, they spent part of their lunch hours doing mini-workouts on the stairs.
“ ‘Stair climbing proved to be an easy exercise to lose weight, it fitted in with my day, didn’t feel like exercise and I didn't feel at all self-conscious. I downloaded the StepJockey tracker App and by climbing up and down the 100 stairs to my fifth floor office three times a day, I was burning 481.8 calories a week! It wasn’t long before I was looking for more stairs to climb. I started climbing the stairs rather than taking the escalator at either end of my commute and clocked up an extra 814 steps a week (and escaped the overcrowded lifts).
“ ‘I burnt an extra 195 calories a day by just climbing the stairs. Overall this added up to 44,905 calories over the year, which is the equivalent to 22 days of food or 4.99kg of fat. I was amazed by the results, my BMI dropped and I went from being overweight to a healthy weight. Better still, I had an amazing wedding day!”
For more ideas about controlling your weight, see Intermittent Moving, How I lost my pants and mastered weight control, Move More • Sit Less • Master Your Weight.
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