The Secret to Calorie Counting: Lose weight by counting the calories in what you do

We’ve all counted the calories in what we eat with an eye toward losing weight. But have you ever considered counting the calories in what you do everyday to reach a weight loss goal?
Intermittent moving, moving in small amounts throughout the day, makes it easy to do this.
First, keep track of how much you walk. If you’re counting steps with a step tracker, you can keep track of calories burned. With every 2,000 steps taken, approximately a mile, you burn 100 calories.
Taking breaks from sitting is another example. Two-minute breaks every 30 minutes through out the work day result in 59 additional calories expended. Want to supersize? A 132 calorie expenditure results from taking five minute breaks even 30 minutes.
Not that many calories you might think but consider: one study showed Americans’ average weight gain over the years resulted from expending 100 fewer calories each day while on the job.
Then there’s stair climbing. It can be done in little bits throughout the day and you can track the calories you use. Seeking to lose weight, one enthusiast found she burned 481 calories in a week climbing up and down the 100 stairs to her fifth floor office three times a day.
There’s also smart sitting. Rocking in a rocking chair burns twice the calories of sitting still. That’s 150 calories in an hour as opposed to the 75 calories just sitting there.
For more ideas about controlling your weight, see Intermittent Moving, How I lost my pants and mastered weight control, Move More • Sit Less • Master Your Weight.
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