The Feet: Weight loss devices

Ah, the feet. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Faster than a speeding bullet.
Ok, so maybe that’s Superman’s feet. But for all of us the feet provide feats every day as they move us from place to place on the two pegs we call legs.
However, there’s an even more interesting use for our feet: their contribution to losing weight.
At least that’s what reflexology author Kevin Kunz and many others have found. Using his feet and taking more steps than usual every day led to weight loss as he discovered when his pants unexpectedly fell off in the driveway. He was taking more steps for health benefits, eating and exercising as usual when the unusual (for him) happened—weight loss. He had previously tried all sorts of diets and weight loss regimens to no avail.
Actor John Goodman had a similar experience. He lost 100 pounds over a year dieting and exercising—and taking 10,000 steps a day. Professional artist Edward lost 23 pounds when he started placed his easel on a sit-stand device that allowed him to work from a seated or standing position. One stay-at-home mom lost 4 1/2 pounds her first month taking 15,000 steps a day.
Why feet help us lose weight
Why would using our feet to take steps everyday contribute to managing our weight? Sure there’s calories expended but it’s also about helping our metabolisms work better. You see, our metabolisms go to work when we stand up and shut down as we sit for a long time. Stand up for 90 seconds and your metabolism resets. Sit for an hour and your metabolism shuts down. Take advantage of these facts to lose weight.
Use intermittent moving, a pattern of moving frequently enough to control your weight and waistline, to take full advantage of how the metabolism works. Take steps and you create the benefit of a better working metabolism.
How to do it
Your feet can help you lose weight. Just use them to stand up and move. Best practice: 10,000 steps a day; 15 minutes of walking after each meal; breaks from sitting of 2 minutes every 30 minutes or at a minimum every hour. Want to lose more? Do more.
Get up and walk as you check social media or talk on the phone. Time yourself or use your step counter as you walk & check social media. How many steps can you take? How many calories can you burn? (Every 15 minutes=2,000 steps or 100 calories)
For more ideas about controlling your weight, see Intermittent Moving, How I lost my pants and mastered weight control, Move More • Sit Less • Master Your Weight.
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