The Secret to Weight Loss: It’s about time
There is interval training, intermittent fasting and now intermittent moving or random acts of movement during the day. It is all about timing.
Interval training alternates between high intensity movement with low intensity movement timing it to most effectively impact your metabolism. Intermittent fasting times the consumption of food to most effectively burn calories. Intermittent moving harnesses the timing of our casual movement to most effectively consume calories.
All three requires a conscious effort to time exercise, eating and movement to spur our bodies to maintain our proper weight.
Intermittent moving, planning small amounts of moving throughout the day, helps you accomplish this as you: spend more calories, reset your metabolism, control your appetite and reduce food cravings.
Small amounts of moving throughout the day take place as you take breaks from sitting, taking a fifteen minute walk after eating a meal and accumulate 10,000 steps a day.
Take breaks from sitting on a schedule. This will impact your metabolism. Wish you could boost your metabolism and burn calories at a higher rate? A five minute break from sitting every hour helps reset your metabolism. Want to supersize that order? It turns out your metabolism slows down by 90% with 30 minutes of sitting. Rev it up with a 2 minute break every 30 minutes. Use your Smartphone as your timer.
Take breaks from sitting at work. Burn up calories. The two minute break after 30 minutes of sitting leads to such a goal. Over an eight-hour work day, 59 additional calories are expended as a result. Once again, want to supersize? A 132 calorie expenditure results taking five minute breaks even 30 minutes.
Not that many calories you might think but consider: one study showed Americans’ average weight gain over the years resulted from expending 100 fewer calories each day while on the job.
Take breaks from sitting at home as commercials play on television. Burn up calories. It’s easy. The commercials do the timing for you. When a commercial comes on, stand up and start walking. Step in place, walk around the room or walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. In one hour, you’ll have eaten up 148 calories. That’s 70 more than if you were just sitting there. Just so you know what to expect: there are 16 to 24 minutes of television commercials shown in one hour.
Less craving for food is another benefit of those breaks from sitting at work. Five minute breaks each hour have been shown to result in considerably less craving for food.
Take a fifteen minute walk after each meal. Take a walk around the house as you watch television; a walk around the workplace after lunch or move outside for your walk. Parts of your metabolism will improve as well as your meal will digest quicker.
For more ideas about incorporating more moving and less sitting into your life, see Intermittent Moving, How I lost my pants and mastered weight control, Move More • Sit Less • Master Your Weight.
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