Why some people never gain weight—how it can help you


We’ve all known them, the people who seem to eat anything they want and never gain weight. Why would this be? And how can it help you?
Some people just move more. It turns out, as discovered by research, that this describes lean people. Heavier people move less.
And why would this be? This may happen because of heredity. The idea is that lean people are prompted by their bodies to get up and move more often than heavier people.
As noted by the researchers, “What it (the results of the research) means is that the brains of people with a tendency towards obesity don’t respond to signals from their muscles or brains that tell them to move. And the more they sit, the fewer signals there are (prompting more sitting).”
For those of us with a tendency to sit, there is an answer.
Move more often. Keep it up for 21 days and your brain will change, helping your body to remind your muscles to get up and move.
Aim at five minute breaks from sitting each hour. Use a fitness tracker to keep track of how many steps you take and build to 10,000 steps a day.
For more ideas about controlling your weight, see Intermittent Moving, How I lost my pants and mastered weight control, Move More • Sit Less • Master Your Weight. https://amzn.to/33AdwA8
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